Scouting 101 Articles
The following articles provide a general introduction to Pursuit-style hunting. I suggest you read them in order before going on to more advanced topics below.
Introduction to Pursuit-style Hunting
Dominant Trees, Part 1 - Definition
Dominant Trees, Part 2 - Identification
Dominant Trees, Part 3 - Size Does Matter
Reds vs Whites, Which Goes Best With Deer
Advanced Scouting Tips
Dominant Tree Hunting for 9 to 5'ersHoly Hotspot!
Late-season Dominant Trees
Why I'll Never be a Bait Hunter
Scouting Tip - Think Like a Deer
Top 10 Reasons to Scout in the Off-Season
Chasin' Trail **VIDEO**
Signpost Rubs **VIDEO**
Hot and Nasty
Quick Tip - Go North Young Man
Was it Deer or Turkey
Stand Placement **VIDEO**
Acorns vs Persimmons